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New Weekly Sermon Series Online

bible preaching

When I became more vocal about some of my evolving beliefs, I stopped getting invited to preach in many of the places where I was a regular guest speaker. I don't regret this, but it's a somewhat depressing reality. Many of you have experienced similar feelings in your church communities as you've felt some of your beliefs shift and wondered how to fit in.

I regularly hear from people asking for church recommendations where they can find a community that embraces questions and doubts about faith. Sometimes it's followed up with an inquiry if I'd ever plant a church. As of now, that isn't something I feel led to do. But this has caused me to rethink a few things.

That's why I'm excited to start a new project called Rebuilding Faith. This will be a weekly message from the Bible shared in ten minutes or less. I hope this work contributes in helping people move forward in their journeys with Jesus and with their faith.

Why ten minutes? 

  1. It decentralizes the weekend experience from one person talking for the better part of an hour (especially if you use it with the discussion guide... see below).
  2. It equips people to fit Bible study into their weekly rhythm.
  3. It will cause me to be laser-focused as a communicator (this has already proven to be way more of a challenge than I anticipated).
  4. Some social media apps allow you to post up to ten-minute videos so I can make them available in numerous places and formats.
  5. And for a bonus reason... In December, Pope Francis appealed to pastors, saying, "Please, do not go longer than ten minutes, ever! This is very important.” Now, I'm not Catholic, but I think he's onto something. 

Rebuilding Faith is designed for people who have questions and doubts and are trying to make sense of the Bible with a Jesus-looking God. It's intended to be used with your family, a life group, in addition to your church community, or as a way to stay connected in the midst of a deconstruction journey.

New messages will be posted on Sundays at 5 am and will remain available online afterward. You can access them like a podcast in video or audio format. If you build this into your routine, you can plan accordingly, knowing there will be a new message each Sunday.

I hope you will check it out and share it with some friends or family who may benefit from it. This is an idea I've considered for a while, but I have been weighing the commitment as it comes with significant demands on my time (writing, filming, editing, etc). If you want to support this work, I've created an online community I'm super excited about for patrons. Rebuilding Faith will always be free to access, but your support will allow me to commit my time and resources to invest in it each week.

As a patron you'll get:

  • Weekly discussion guide for each message.
  • Bonus episodes only for patrons (a bonus episode is already waiting for you!)
  • Access to an online community to interact with other patrons
  • Q&A discussions with me and other patrons

Click here to find out more about supporting the show.

The last teaching series I was in when I was a Lead Pastor was the Gospel of John. I was going through it slowly, and I think I only made it to chapter six! It’s time to get back to it, and I’m going to invite you to use your Bible each week. The first episode is up a bit early so you can start this weekend if you're interested.

Click here to access Week 1: Intro to John. 


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