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Why Christianity is Unfair

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One of the most common beliefs in the world is the idea of karma—the notion that if you do something bad, eventually something bad will happen to you, and if you do something good, good things will come your way. It’s a neat and satisfying way to think about justice. But here’s the problem: Jesus doesn’t operate that way. And if we’re honest, that kind of divine logic can be frustrating.

In this episode of Cabernet and Pray, I explored one of Jesus’ most radical parables in Matthew 20—the Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard. It’s a story that, at first glance, seems completely unfair. A vineyard owner hires workers throughout the day, yet when it’s time to pay them, every single worker—whether they labored for twelve hours or one—receives the exact same wage. Naturally, the early workers are furious. They worked through the heat of the day, while the latecomers strolled in at the last hour and got paid just as much.

I totally get why the first workers were mad. I think most of us would be. This parable challenges our deeply ingrained belief that people should get what they deserve. We want fairness. We want rewards that match effort. And yet, Jesus tells a story where those who worked the longest don’t get anything extra. Instead, everyone receives the same measure of grace.

What’s so radical about this parable is that it reveals something about God’s character that makes a lot of us uncomfortable—grace doesn’t work like a paycheck. In our world, you earn what you get. You put in the time, you deserve the reward. But Jesus flips that logic on its head. He gives freely, not based on merit, but based on His own generosity.

The real question is: are we okay with that? Because if we’re honest, a lot of us want grace for ourselves, but justice for everyone else. We want God to be kind to us when we fall short, but we struggle when He extends that same kindness to people we think don’t deserve it.

One of the most powerful lines in this parable is when the vineyard owner says, “Should you be jealous because I am kind to others?” That question hits hard. How often do we compare our situation to others and feel cheated? How often do we secretly believe that some people shouldn’t be as fortunate as we are because they didn’t “earn” it?

But here’s the thing: none of us have truly earned God’s love. That’s the whole point of grace. If we could earn it, it wouldn’t be grace at all. And yet, so often we want to measure and ration God’s generosity, as if His love were a limited resource. But Jesus shows us that the kingdom of God is an abundant vineyard, and there’s always room for more workers—whether they arrive early or late.

At the heart of this story is a challenge: is Jesus enough for us? If we truly love Him, then shouldn’t simply being in His presence, working alongside Him in the vineyard, be the greatest reward? Or do we secretly want more? Do we want validation, superiority, and recognition?

This parable invites us to shift our mindset. Instead of seeing others as competitors in the faith, we should celebrate every new worker joining the vineyard. More people in God’s kingdom doesn’t mean less for us—it means more celebration, more grace, and more joy.

So here’s my challenge to you: the next time you feel like life isn’t “fair,” ask yourself—are you jealous because God is kind to others? Or can you celebrate His generosity being bigger than we can ever imagine? Because if we’re paying attention, we’ll realize that we, too, are recipients of an unfair grace—one that gives us far more than we could ever earn.

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