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Let's Talk About What Makes You Odd bible reading

One of the stories we're exploring in our online book study this week (you can join us here) is about an assassin who ends eighteen years of oppression for the ancient Israelites under a tyrant king.

Who said the Bible was boring?

The assassin's name is Ehud, and he's one of only three people in t...

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Want to Do a Book Study with Me? bible reading

Curious about the Bible but tired of the same old answers? 

Consider this your official invite to join me for my first-ever online book study. Beginning on March 1st, we'll unpack Rob Bell's book What is the Bible? The subtitle shows what you'll experience if you join us in this challenge: "How an ...

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How We Learn to be Brave christianity reading

You may have seen the clip of a Bishop giving what appears to be a very tense sermon in front of the President and Vice President. That clip went viral and made Mariann Edgar Budde a hero in the eyes of many. I was in awe of what she said and how she said it and when I found out she wrote a book cal...

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What Does it Mean to be a Patriot? reading

I used to think that talking about democracy was a bit out of place for people focused on living out our faith in Jesus. But I've come to realize more and more that who we think a government should benefit has massive real-world consequences, especially for vulnerable people who are in a minority gr...

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It Turns Out God Is NOT Omnipotent reading theology

I had the opportunity to contribute a chapter to a two-part theology book that was recently published. The volumes explore Dr. Thomas Jay Oord's concept of God's "amipotence" (rather than omnipotence). My chapter was about how a good God isn't waiting for our prayers to act for our good.

When we re...

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100 books of 2024 reading

I'm a bit late on last year's book recap, but there were a lot of good ones. Thankfully I was able to get through a hundred books again this year (it was my fourth year hitting that goal). For my fellow book nerds, I've also recently switched from Goodreads to The StoryGraph to keep tabs on my readi...

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2024 Reading List (3 of 4) reading

The third reading list post of the year usually begins with me talking about how the brutal heat in Arizona has finally turned, and we are finally enjoying the weather. Except Arizona is acting like a jilted ex and decided to keep three-digit temperatures going way longer than it has any right to do...

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What Difficulty Level Are You Playing? perspective reading

I enjoy playing video games with my kids and by myself to relax. Playing Fortnite has allowed me to experience them "on their turf" in a unique way. It's also a very humbling experience as two of them are far better than me. I contribute best to our squad through encouragement and carrying heals ...

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2024 Reading List (2 of 4) reading

It's freakin hot in Arizona and those of us living here are currently surviving in pools and air conditioning. This also means it's the halfway point of the year and time to check in on the reading list.

Below are the 48 books I have read so far this year. Click the link on any title to see the Ama...

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Making Sense of the Divine Conspiracy reading theology

I recently had a chance to join a good friend of mine on the "Space for Faith" podcast. In addition to being a kindred spirit, my friend Mike Goldsworthy was one of the early guests on my "Cabernet and Pray" podcast (Episode 4: Moving Beyond the Medium), so jumping over and spending time on his podc...

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