Crossing the Line (John 1:15-18)

Season #1

What if Christianity isn’t about crossing a line but about embarking on a journey? In this episode of Rebuilding Faith, we challenge the idea that faith is just about making converts and explore how following Jesus is more than just a one-time decision. If you've ever felt stuck in your faith or unsure of what comes next, this episode is for you.

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In Crossing the Line, we dive into the common belief that the purpose of a Christian is to make converts. Many Christians experience anxiety about this responsibility, but is that really the goal? Examining John 1:15-18, we uncover a deeper perspective on what it means to follow Jesus.

Key Takeaways:

  • The Problem with Conversion Anxiety: Many Christians believe that making converts is the primary goal. However, statistics show that it takes 85 Christians an entire year to make one new convert. If conversion is the goal, this model seems unsustainable.
  • John’s Perspective on Jesus: John the Baptist declares that Jesus has revealed God to us. Unlike Moses, who could only see God’s shadow, we have the privilege of seeing God fully through Jesus.
  • Faith as a Journey, Not a Line: Many view Christianity as crossing a line—once you're “in,” the goal is to bring others across. But what happens after that? Instead of a line, what if we saw faith as an ongoing journey toward Jesus?
  • The Danger of Gatekeeping: Some Christians act as gatekeepers, deciding who is “Christian enough.” This approach misses the point. Our role isn’t to police the faith of others but to guide people toward Jesus.
  • Moving Beyond Complacency: If you feel stuck in your faith, it might be because you're focused on the line rather than the journey. Instead of worrying about who is “in” or “out,” what if we focused on experiencing more of Jesus every day?

Final Thought:

Christianity isn’t about simply getting people to cross a line—it’s about continually pursuing Jesus. Are you just standing at the line, or are you moving forward on your journey?


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