A Lamb and a Dove (John 1:29-34)

Season #1

Ever had a moment where something finally clicked? John the Baptist did—when he realized who Jesus truly was. This episode explores what made John recognize Jesus as the Lamb of God, why that title is so significant, and what it means for us today. Could our understanding of salvation be too small? Tune in to find out.

Click here to watch the episode on video.

Episode Highlights:

  • Seeing Clearly – Sometimes, it takes a moment to truly grasp what we're looking at. Jeremy kicks off with examples of optical illusions and how our perception can be challenged, setting up the moment when John the Baptist finally understood who Jesus was.
  • The Lamb of God – What did John mean when he called Jesus “the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world”? Jeremy unpacks the deep connection to the Jewish Passover and how Jesus redefines salvation—not just for Israel but for the entire world.
  • Salvation for All – The idea that Jesus came to save everyone—not just a select group—was controversial then and still is today. Jeremy challenges us to consider: Do we believe in a God who saves only people like us, or a God who saves the world?
  • Doubt and Discovery – Even John the Baptist had doubts. If you've ever struggled with faith, you're in good company. John’s journey from uncertainty to conviction reminds us that questioning can be part of spiritual growth.
  • The Dove’s Confirmation – The moment John saw the Holy Spirit descend like a dove on Jesus, everything changed. This was his confirmation that Jesus was the chosen one. What signs are we looking for in our own faith journeys?
  • Our Role in Salvation – Who are the people we struggle to include in God's grace? How might Jesus be inviting us to participate in bringing salvation to others?

Final Thought:
If the Lamb of God takes away the sin of the world, what does that mean for those we find hardest to love? Let’s reflect on how we can align our perspective with God’s inclusive grace.


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