You are Not the Holy Spirit (John 1:43-51)

Season #1

What if sharing your faith wasn’t about having all the answers, but simply inviting others to “come and see”? In this episode, we unpack the final verses of John 1 and discover how a simple invitation led to a life-changing encounter with Jesus. If you’ve ever felt unqualified to share your faith, this episode will encourage you with the freeing reminder: You are not the Holy Spirit.

Click here to watch the episode on video.

Jesus Calls His First Disciples

  • The passage (John 1:43-51) recounts Jesus calling Philip and Nathaniel.
  • Philip’s approach to evangelism is simple: “Come and see.”
  • This moment reflects how all believers are equipped to share their faith, despite common fears or doubts.

Common Excuses for Not Sharing Faith

  • Fear of rejection (“What if they’re not interested?”)
  • Feeling unqualified (“I don’t know enough theology.”)
  • Thinking it’s our responsibility to change hearts (spoiler: it’s not!).

The Role of the Holy Spirit

  • The pressure is not on us to convince others—our job is simply to point them to Jesus.
  • Philip doesn’t argue with Nathaniel; he just invites him to encounter Christ for himself.

Nathaniel’s Transformation

  • Initially skeptical (“Can anything good come from Nazareth?”), Nathaniel quickly shifts to declaring Jesus as the Son of God.
  • What changed? Jesus knew Nathaniel fully—even seeing him in a private moment of prayer.
  • This reveals a powerful truth: We are fully known by Jesus before we ever recognize Him.

Application: Praying for the “Hopeless”

  • No one is beyond hope—just as Philip didn’t give up on Nathaniel, we shouldn’t give up on others.
  • Challenge: Identify someone in your life who seems far from God and start praying for them.
  • Bonus challenge: Ask God to use you in their life.

Next Episode: We dive into John 2 and the incredible story of Jesus’ first miracle! Don’t miss it.


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