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The Proximity Principle bible preaching

This past weekend I preached a message on Jesus encountering a man possessed with an army of demons inside him (Mark 5). It was the perfect passage for Halloween week. I explored how Jesus put Himself in proximity with people in messy situations. Yet we tend to do exactly the opposite. 

The craz...

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On the Edge of the Inside bible christianity theology

Recently I had someone pass on an article from the author Richard Rohr that absolutely got my mind spinning. In it, he coined the phrase "The edge of the inside." The document was only two pages long but it gave words to something deep inside my soul. So I did the only logical thing for a communi...

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One at a Time bible preaching

This past weekend I preached on one of my favorite stories of Jesus. It's found in Luke 8. A synagogue leader named Jairus asks Jesus to heal his dying daughter, and Jesus is interrupted on the way there by a woman with a chronic disease. The story is a masterclass in being present and focused on...

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Death and Taxes (and Gratitude) perspective

Recently, as I read through one of Ryan Holiday's newsletters, a paragraph about taxes stood out. He made the point that taxes aren't reserved for just money. Instead, the way we understand our taxes on money can help us get a bigger perspective on life.

While the financial tax game can get a bit p...

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2023 Reading List (Part 3) reading

It's the most wonderful time of the year! Fall is in the air, the best holidays are just around the corner, and we can finally go back outside in Arizona without dying.

It also means it's time for a quarterly reading check-in. Below you can see the 79 books I've read so far this year with my rating...

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God is Not Limited by the Bible bible christianity

There have been numerous ways I've shifted my thinking over the last few years, but one of the most significant is how I read the Bible. For most of my life, I searched for a verse or specific reference to feel confident in the decisions I made or advice I gave to others. This is a byproduct of the ...

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Three Miles an Hour personal perspective

It stands out to me when I hear the same idea explained in multiple books I'm reading, especially when they are read back to back and especially when the idea isn't the book's main point. For example, I recently finished Jefferson Bethke's book, To Hell With the Hustle (see: Amazon link), and Andy C...

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Who You Are When No One is Watching christianity perspective

John Wooden once famously said: “The true test of a man’s character is what he does when no one is watching.”

But is that test of character accurate?

I was raised on this idea and spent a lot of effort trying to be a better version of myself when I was alone. Since I started following Jesus as a k...

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How Do We Know Where to Go? personal perspective

Recently I was driving a couple of my kids back from a Saturday morning baseball game. It was held at a park next to an elementary school, and as we were leaving, a lady swerved all over the place trying to enter the parking lot. I had to stop and wait for her to pick a direction, and I casually sai...

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5 Things I Miss LEAST About Being a Lead Pastor christianity personal

It's been over three years since I was last on staff at a church and I ended my season in full-time ministry as a Lead Pastor. Last week, I shared five things I miss from that season (see: 5 Things I Miss Most), so today I thought I would share a few of the things I miss the least. As a disclaimer, ...

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