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Can You Love Jesus Too Much? bible christianity

A few years ago, I posted a short video on YouTube—a quick, three-minute reflection about the theologian A.W. Tozer. Little did I know that video would spark debates and continue to garner social media comments even years later. Something in those few words struck a nerve. It revealed a complex a...

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100 books of 2024 reading

I'm a bit late on last year's book recap, but there were a lot of good ones. Thankfully I was able to get through a hundred books again this year (it was my fourth year hitting that goal). For my fellow book nerds, I've also recently switched from Goodreads to The StoryGraph to keep tabs on my readi...

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Gift Ideas (Especially for Guys) christmas

There's some debate about whether we should give gifts to each other at Christmas as adults. Obviously, to a kid, this is a huge part of the fun of Christmas. And while most of the adults we buy gifts for could buy it on their own, I do enjoy the thoughtfulness of finding something that will bring a...

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The Wicked Servant bible theology

In the latest "Cabernet and Pray" podcast episode, I explored a nontraditional interpretation of a familiar parable in Luke 19. If you attended Sunday school or have any church background, you likely know this story well. 

Here’s a quick recap of the parable: A nobleman leaves for a distant empi...

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The Method of Generosity preaching

This past weekend, I explored the topic of generosity, specifically the importance of planning your generosity in advance. Our natural inclination is to store up more and more for ourselves, but we can turn this desire into a method for experiencing more joy in our giving.

In Luke 12:13-21, Jesu...

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A Letter to the 18% christianity

A letter to the disillusioned, the discouraged, the confused, the scared, and the vulnerable.

Like many in our nation, I've been trying to process the election results. While I knew our current outcome was possible, I am more surprised than not to see it come to pass. As a white male, I've taken a ...

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Space Racism perspective theology

Recently I shared a clip on social media about whether robots could be made in the image of God (from episode 31 of Cabernet and Pray). In response to that, I received an overwhelming number of comments online. Now in Episode 33, I reflect on what I learned from these reactions.

This leads me to...

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2024 Reading List (3 of 4) reading

The third reading list post of the year usually begins with me talking about how the brutal heat in Arizona has finally turned, and we are finally enjoying the weather. Except Arizona is acting like a jilted ex and decided to keep three-digit temperatures going way longer than it has any right to do...

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Share Your Story bible preaching

This past weekend, I preached on the idea of Christianity as a story for us to tell. Ever since I got awarded the "Best Storyteller" award in kindergarten, it's been clear to me how much I love a good story. And apparently, so does Jesus. That's why many of his teachings were in story format thro...

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What Difficulty Level Are You Playing? perspective reading

I enjoy playing video games with my kids and by myself to relax. Playing Fortnite has allowed me to experience them "on their turf" in a unique way. It's also a very humbling experience as two of them are far better than me. I contribute best to our squad through encouragement and carrying heals ...

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