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The Bible is a Diving Board bible

The American cartoonist Alison Bechdel established a way to measure the representation of women in film and story. The Bechdel test (sometimes called the Bechdel-Wallace test) has three criteria:

  1. There are at least two women in it
  2. They have a conversation together
  3. The conversation is about some...
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This Theologian is on Trial for What? christianity theology

There's often a significant difference in perspective between people in the church world and those who aren't a part of it. When I talk with people outside the church about things like Christian concern over the LGBTQ+ community, they are often quite confused. Even church members sometimes miss how ...

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Mental Health and My Response to John MacArthur christianity personal

On the latest episode of the Cabernet and Pray podcast, I responded to a recently viral clip on mental health in the Christian community. As some of you might be aware, a clip featuring Pastor John MacArthur has been circulating on social media. In this episode, we’ll dive into the theology and a...

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Making Sense of the Divine Conspiracy reading theology

I recently had a chance to join a good friend of mine on the "Space for Faith" podcast. In addition to being a kindred spirit, my friend Mike Goldsworthy was one of the early guests on my "Cabernet and Pray" podcast (Episode 4: Moving Beyond the Medium), so jumping over and spending time on his podc...

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"I Wished to Know More..." growth

Bertrand Russell, the mathematician and Nobel Laureate, once described his early years by saying, “There was a footpath leading across the fields to New Southgate, and I used to go there alone to watch the sunset and contemplate suicide."

That's an ominous setup.

"I did not, however, commit suicid...

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Making It Through Difficult Times personal preaching

This past weekend, I shared a lot of my story (in particular, some challenges these last four years) in a message called "Making It Through Difficult Times as a Couple." It was part of a love, dating, and marriage series at the church.

I taught from a passage where the Apostle Paul similarly sha...

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Personal Trials and the Alaskan Wilds personal

I recently recorded the latest episode of my podcast, talking about some of the things I've been learning through this year's journey with Michelle's health. Ironically, I'm writing this post in the hospital as we are back in for an unexpected surgery to deal with an infection she got this weeken...

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Something the Puritans Got Right christianity growth

Imagine a family with two parents with college degrees. They both have jobs that require continued education each year. They want to make sure their kids grow up to be well-educated too. That's why they take an active role in their schooling and discuss the latest ideas they are learning together as...

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2024 Reading List (1 of 4) reading

I got in my vehicle recently and immediately needed to crank the air conditioning. Winter has left us. That means it's time to check in on our reading lists. 

Below are the 23 books I have read so far this year with my rating for each (5 being the best) and a brief review. Most books get a three as...

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How Many Holes Does a Straw Have? bible perspective

Consider the simple straw. Does it have two holes or one?

This question divides us into two-holers (one on each end) and one-holers (one hole all the way through). Let's see which one makes more sense.

For those of you who say it has two holes (one on each end), imagine shortening the length of th...

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