Despite my deep immersion in church culture growing up, I didn't discover there was more than one Christian view of hell until my twenties. It was always just assumed that there was one way of understanding it. But this revelation changed a lot for me.
In my recent podcast episode, I explore the...
A few months ago, I started my Sunday morning message series called Rebuilding Faith. Each week's message is ten minutes or less, and I'm currently going through the Gospel of John... slowly.
I just finished chapter one after eight weeks (and an intro). Here's a list of the episodes so far in case ...
One of the stories we're exploring in our online book study this week (you can join us here) is about an assassin who ends eighteen years of oppression for the ancient Israelites under a tyrant king.
Who said the Bible was boring?
The assassin's name is Ehud, and he's one of only three people in t...
Curious about the Bible but tired of the same old answers?Â
Consider this your official invite to join me for my first-ever online book study. Beginning on March 1st, we'll unpack Rob Bell's book What is the Bible? The subtitle shows what you'll experience if you join us in this challenge: "How an ...
One of the most common beliefs in the world is the idea of karma—the notion that if you do something bad, eventually something bad will happen to you, and if you do something good, good things will come your way. It’s a neat and satisfying way to think about justice. But here’s the problem: Jesus...
When I was a Lead Pastor, I had a memorable conversation with a church member who loved the Old Testament but found my approach to it troubling. They couldn’t understand why I didn’t hold its teachings at the same level as the New Testament. That moment set the stage for countless conversations a...
When I became more vocal about some of my evolving beliefs, I stopped getting invited to preach in many of the places where I was a regular guest speaker. I don't regret this, but it's a somewhat depressing reality. Many of you have experienced similar feelings in your church communities as you've f...
A few years ago, I posted a short video on YouTube—a quick, three-minute reflection about the theologian A.W. Tozer. Little did I know that video would spark debates and continue to garner social media comments even years later. Something in those few words struck a nerve. It revealed a complex a...
In the latest "Cabernet and Pray" podcast episode, I explored a nontraditional interpretation of a familiar parable in Luke 19. If you attended Sunday school or have any church background, you likely know this story well.Â
Here’s a quick recap of the parable: A nobleman leaves for a distant empi...
This past weekend, I preached on the idea of Christianity as a story for us to tell. Ever since I got awarded the "Best Storyteller" award in kindergarten, it's been clear to me how much I love a good story. And apparently, so does Jesus. That's why many of his teachings were in story format thro...
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